IPC Checklist

IPC Checklist in PDF Format

Here’s a handy checklist to use when performing an IPC. Fold the paper in half, and you can use the front to check off the required tasks (from the Instrument ACS) and the back side to take notes about the flight for debrief. It also includes the relevant endorsement from AC 61-65H for documenting a successful IPC.

IPC Plan of Action:

  1. Ground review of instrument flight rules, flight planning, and the specific flight for the IPC. Identify the following to be used during the flight portion of the IPC:
    1. Non-Precision Approach
    2. Precision Approach
    3. Hold (can be part of a missed approach procedure)
    4. Airway/course to track
    5. Location for airwork
  2. Flight Portion of IPC (dependent on winds/weather):
    1. Normal takeoff
    2. Unusual Attitudes
    3. Tracking a navaid course
    4. Partial-Panel Approach(es)
      1. VOR approach to a timed MAP
      2. VOR/DME with a DME Arc
      3. RNAV/GPS to LNAV mimia
      4. RNAV/GPS to LP minima
      5. Localizer Approach
      6. Localizer Backcourse Approach
    5. Circling Approach
    6. Missed Approach
    7. Hold
    8. Precision Approach to a Landing
      1. ILS
      2. RNAV/GPS to LPV minima

If time allows, it’s better to fly two non-precision approaches, one partial panel to a missed approach and one to circling minima to a landing.

Instrument Proficiency Check Tasks, Explained


Enter a hold with the correct hold entry procedure and maintain:

  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • Altitude: +/- 100'
  • Heading: +/- 10°

Unusual Attitude Recovery

Use Pitch, Power, and Bank to recover from nose-high and nose-low attitudes. Apply the control inputs in the correct sequence to return the plane to a stabilized, level, flight attitude.

Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs

Intercept and track a navigation course, and maintain:

  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • Altitude: +/- 100'
  • Heading: +/- 5°
  • No more than 3/4 scale deflection

If following a DME arc:

  • Distance: +/- 1 nm

Non-Precision Approach

Intercept and track a navigation course, and maintain:

  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • Altitude: +/- 100'
  • Heading: +/- 10°

Adjust MDA to account for NOTAMs or inoperative equipment

On the Final Approach Segment:

  • No more than 3/4 scale deflection of the CDI
  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • MDA: +100’/-0'

Precision Approach

Intercept and track a navigation course, and maintain:

  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • Altitude: +/- 100'
  • Heading: +/- 10°

Adjust DA/DH to account for NOTAMs or inoperative equipment

On the Final Approach Segment:

  • No more than 3/4 scale deflection of the CDI (horizontal and vertical)
  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • DA: Initiate missed approach procedure at DA, if required visual references are not in sight

Missed Approach

Comply with the missed approach procedure (published or ATC-assigned) and:

  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • Altitude: +/- 100'
  • Heading: +/- 10°

Circling Approach

On the circling maneuver:

  • Airspeed: +/- 10 kts
  • MDA/Circling Altitude: +100’/-0'
  • Remain within circling area: 1.3 nm of runway ends
  • If landing, initiate a stabilized descent with less than 30° of bank
  • Land on the first 1/3 of the runway without excessive maneuvering

Landing from an Instrument Approach

Once at the DA/DH, MDA, or VDP, transition to visual flight conditions for a stabilized landing.

Partial-Panel Non-Precision Approach

Complete a non-precision approach without the use of the primary flight instruments

Postflight Procedures

Conduct a postflight inspection and document any discrepancies.

IPC Requirement

An IPC can be performed at any time to “reset” a pilots’ instrument currency. If it has been over 6 months since the last time an instrument-rated pilot was current (6HITS in 6 months, plus the 6 month grace period), then an IPC is required before the pilot is instrument current.

Use of a Simulator

You can use an Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) for many of the tasks in an IPC, if allowed by the Letter of Authorization, except for the following:

  • Circling Approach
  • Landings
  • Multi-Engine Airplane Tasks

Other References

The FAA publishes guidance on conduting an IPC in Advisory Circular AC 61-98.